~fun sites~
>> Wednesday, October 29, 2008 –
random monday

I've been feeling very crafty and inspired lately. Maybe it's because I know I won't have time for the next 2 months to do any of it. :) This is the new Belle & Boo print. Love it! Here are some more sites that I have added to my favorites lately. (as if we all don't have any thing better to do...)
Bloesom Kids Blog
LMNOP Downloadable Magazine - I haven't actually downloaded any yet, but will someday...
Kinda reminds me of my favorite magazine WonderTime...but free!
Good Playdough Recipe - would like to browse the rest of this website sometime also...
Matilda Jane Clothing - oh to dream! love the photography also!
Now I must clean up my craft area which has been taken over by the junk mail monster. Ahhh!