{san diego: april 2010}
Last week we had the privilege to visit San Diego. It was a jam-packed 3 days full of fun that I am sure the kids won't ever forget.
On Wednesday we went to Sea World. We were able to get $6 tickets through a homeschool group! I liked everything about this place but Scott and my favorite attractions were the Shamu show (which we visited twice), the Wild Arctic with the beluga whale, and the sea lion show. It was pretty interesting how they can train the sea lions to do so many fun tricks. The boys both said their favorite was the shark encounter where you ride a moving floor through a huge aquarium with sharks swimming all around you. Miss T liked the dolphins and the polar bear.
Wednesday night we decided to head to the beach for a picnic. They all three “fell into the ocean” as they called it. The sunset was so gorgeous!
Thursday we once again met up with a homeschool group to get $6 tickets to the San Diego Zoo. We spent the whole day here and still didn’t see everything. There was a Komodo Dragon, an insect section that you could see the inside of a beehive and ant hill, and a Burmese Python. J liked the tigers, S liked the petting zoo, and T liked the baby bunnies. We got to see some crocodile training and at another spot got to see them catch a large bird because the parents had just laid another egg. That was pretty intense. My favorite part was a trail that led right through the middle of the zoo. It was like walking through a jungle. So pretty! That night we visited a local hamburger shop called Hodad’s. The food was great and the atmosphere fun!
Friday morning we got to sleep in and relax a little bit. Then we headed to Point Loma to check out the lighthouse. We were told there were some tidepools so we hiked some cliffs for a while. It was exhilarating being so close the waves crashing the rocks. It was good to breathe in the ocean air. We later found out the tidepools were covered up. Then we went up to the lighthouse and explored. I already wrote a little about that. There was also a little information about San Diego during World War II. The boys enjoyed learning about that. They especially liked the missiles that were on display.
I know I don't do a lot of pictures of our family on my blog but I am going to try to do better for our friends and family. Enjoy the pics!
SO FUN reading about your trip....you guys were busy!!! Love all the photos :) Glad you're back!