{my peeps}
We finished up our parenting class "Have a New Kid by Friday" last night. I am really sad it is over since we really grew close to the other parents who attended. We'll just have to do some stuff with them later!
Dr.Leman had some secrets that I wanted to share with everyone. I can't help but thank my parents because they did many of these themselves if not all of them! Thank you mom and dad!
1. Spend 1 on 1 time. Take them out alone for breakfast. My dad would take me out on a "date" after school to One Stop every once in a while. I loved that!
2. Tell them "I LOVE YOU" every day.
3. Never pay them for good grades.
4. Tell them you believe in them and expect the best.
5. Don't have any habits that won't carry through college (sleeping in your bed, etc.)
6. Be involved in church and have a close church family.
7. Always put your spouse first.
8. Eat dinner together!
9. Avoid the activity trap. Keep life simple.
10. Tell them your thoughts and beliefs and why you believe that way and let them sort it out on their own without pressure.
11. Pray with your kids and for your kids daily.
12. Have fun nights! We had "plate night" where you had to come up with something else to use for supper besides a plate.
13. Write notes and draw pictures for your kids regularly. Both my parents did this!
14. Have holiday traditions and other traditions around the year.
15. Tell them stories about when you were young...the times you got in trouble and the consequences. They will learn from that. (My mom told me about someone writing a bad word on her sidewalk and how she got in trouble. She also told me about lying to her mom and dad about getting the colored chicks at Easter....my favorite story from her ever! Now my kids get to hear it too!)
16. Remember: We represent the AWESOME authority of the almighty God who created the whole universe and hung the sun and moon perfectly in the sky. Be imitators of Christ!